I did it, I actually did it—I hit publish on my first fiction novel tonight. The only thing standing between my book and it being out in the great wide world are the Amazon Gods who have the power to take my book from "In Review" to "Live."
After I hit publish, I bounced around my kitchen screaming and hugging my husband and youngest daughter wildly. They are used to me, so it didn't even phase them. They just hugged back and watched me spin. My dog stared at me too, hoping this strange performance would somehow end with me giving her cheese. (It did.)
As I sit here refreshing my Amazon account over and over again, I thought I'd share with you the funny way my day started! What I am about to tell you will reflect the real me, the girl whom crazy things happen to regularly, who laughs so hard at her own stories, jokes, and experiences, that she can barely talk when trying to tell others, and who maybe even pees her pants a little when she is cracking up (don't judge, I've had three babies. . . and I said MAYBE!)
I recently started wearing a CPAP machine to sleep. I'll admit it. I'm not ashamed. My hubby and I look like dueling Darth Vaders at night—but hey, sleeping well in our late 40s is a priority. Anyway. . . last night I dreamed that I was sitting on a park bench with my lovely niece and her cat (she doesn't have a cat IRL) jumps on my lap. Oh, sweet little gray and white kitty cat. I am petting the purring cat, even though my niece is warning me not to, and suddenly, the cat swats me across the nose out of nowhere. . . hard.
My dream felt so real, that I swatted my own nose, knocking my CPAP mask off my face. It clattered to the ground. This personal attack against myself resulted in me waking up. . and then laughing uncontrollably for an unnatural amount of time. I was in such hysteria that I shook the bed, guffawed loudly, and woke the Darth Vader sleeping next to me. I even managed to rouse my daughter from her peaceful slumber way down the hall. I continued to laugh for the next two hours and kept on even after I got out of bed for the day. Of course, I had to text my niece, call my adult daughter, and relay the tale of the finicky feline and my sleeping shenanigans to one of my best friends.
My day started wild and it ended wild. From crazy dreams to making real dreams come true! Have a blessed day everyone!