As I inch ever closer to publishing my first novel, my excitement is growing exponentially. It is still surreal to me that I am about to realize my dream to become a published author. It is even harder to believe that I actually wrote a novel and have now decided to carve out the personal time for developing this new hobby/profession. After forty-seven years, I know what I want to do when I grow up—and man, it's exhilarating!
Reflecting on this, it dawned on me that I haven't acted in fulfilling my own personal dreams in a long time—dreams that are just about me. I haven't been sitting idly by for years doing nothing. I have been raising successful children, building a good marriage, and contributing to my community—these are all very important things—but doing something exciting that is all my own hasn't been my focus in a while!
Women are often so focused on everyone else that they let their own passions, desires, and dreams fall to the wayside. It seems every other person you know is more important. Today, I challenge you to remember your dreams, or create one—then chase it with reckless abandon. You are worth it and the satisfaction of seeing how capable you are is like no other!
As I get this journey of becoming an author rolling, I hope you will follow along with me and be inspired to realize your own dreams. I'm not exactly sure what format my blog posts will take but I promise to be my authentic self and I hope that we can get to know each other, support one another, and be collective dream weavers!
God Bless!